Online Attendance System in PHP MYSQL

Online Attendance System in PHP MYSQL Online Attendance Management System in PHP is an innovative tool to maintain and manage the attendance of students/employees. These tools can be a software to monitor attendance details. Prefixing a word “online” to this tool makes this tool very resourceful technique. This is because now this tool can be accessed…

School Management System in php mysql

School Management System in php mysql School Management System WordPress Plugins The main purpose using School Management System Project is to avoid manual problems and also documentation storage problem we can’t maintain long period data that’s why we used computerized system to overcome all problem related to school’s data storing and other arias. Admin Features…

Payroll Management System Java Swing NetBeans IDE Mysql

Payroll Management System Project in Java Netbeans With Source Code is built fully in Java/MySQL Database. It has full-featured Graphical User Interface (GUI) with all the basic functionalities of a typical Payroll System used the company. With this  payroll management system in Java Netbeans IDE intended to help the company manage their employee payroll efficiently. The employee payroll management…